What is colostrum?2022-05-12T10:24:59+01:00

What is colostrum?

High-purity serum from the first milk of the cow

Colostrum (lat. beast milk) is the scientific name for the first milk of mammals. The mother produces this colostrum to provide the newborn with optimal nutrition in the first few days.


stabilizes and supports
the immune system

protects against germs
in the environment

and ensures

What is colostrum? The answer: Colostrum is unique. No plant-based or synthetic substance exhibits such versatility and concentration of ingredients. Colostrum has been optimized by nature over thousands of years and provides immune substances in a perfectly balanced ratio to each other:
Vitamins, natural growth factors, minerals, trace elements, amino acids, immunoglobulins, and immune regulators.

Colostrum contains a complex system of nutrients developed by nature in a sensibly balanced composition.

Farmer collecting bovine colostrum

What does Bovine Colostrum do in humans?

There are 1000 diseases, but only 1 health.

With this imbalance, we need a strong ally: our immune system. Because that’s what determines health and disease, that is, whether we are well or not.

Colostrum Tropfen

“The number one cause of disease in the world today is immune disease.”

Daniel G. Clark, MD.* puts it succinctly.

This phrase unequivocally conveys that an intact immune system is enormously important for each of us. No one likes to be sick. We want to be healthy, to support and strengthen our immune system! To do this, we need to understand it and know what it needs.

Our own biological defence system is a highly complex functional work of organs, cell types and molecules. We are constantly exposed to environmental influences that stress our bodies. To take care of our physical well-being, our immune system must deal with various disruptive factors in the course of its work:

  • viruses, bacteria, fungi, toxins
  • armful environmental influences
  • pollutants from the air and soil
  • stress
  • malfunctions in the body
  • malnutrition
  • imbalances of vitamins and minerals

Unfortunately, our immune system does not always succeed in achieving “inner balance”. Attacks from the outside and a lack of important nutrients hinder metabolism, energy balance and immune defence. If this is weakened, we are not only at risk of infectious diseases, but also allergies, autoimmune diseases or cancer.

Important for a functioning immune system and a harmonious interaction of all processes in the human body is the ratio of vital substances to each other!
The biological harmony is much more important than the quantity of individual substances: quality comes before quantity.

Bovine Colostrum as Health Care

Bovine Colostrum can play an important role in our health care. Because this extraordinary nutrient has a holistic effect.

Bovine Colostrum provides the human organism – instead of merely healthy individual parts – with a complex system of nutrients that it needs for a strong immune system.

Ingredients in a perfectly balanced ratio ensure a balance in the body: natural immune boosters, growth factors, vitamins, minerals and amino acids.

Bovine Colostrum supports the natural immune function that enables our body to defend itself against harmful substances and allergens.

The ingredients positively influence well-being and growth. Physical and mental performance can thus be increased.

Bovine Colostrum provides the human organism – instead of merely healthy individual parts – with a complex system of nutrients that it needs for a strong immune system.

Ingredients in a perfectly balanced ratio ensure a balance in the body: natural immune boosters, growth factors, vitamins, minerals and amino acids.

Bovine Colostrum supports the natural immune function that enables our body to defend itself against harmful substances and allergens.

The ingredients positively influence well-being and growth. Physical and mental performance can thus be increased.

These factors work in perfect synergy to maintain or restore health. We cannot protect ourselves against all external influences and we will not avoid every illness. What is reassuring, however, is that we can have an ally by our side: Bovine Colostrum.

What is colostrum?

Bovine Colostrum Ingredients

With immunoglobulins, growth factors, vitamins and much more, the cow’s first milk contains a wide variety of more than 400 nutrients and vital substances, which in combination are unique and particularly beneficial.


Bovine Colostrum, a product with such a variety of ingredients and such a wide range of applications, naturally raises a number of questions. You can read about the most common ones here, along with concise answers.

What is in Colostrum?2022-06-30T12:02:05+01:00

Colostrum contains a wealth of different valuable ingredients that cannot be produced synthetically in this balanced combination. Vitamins, minerals, trace elements, amino acids, natural growth factors and immunoglobulins (antibodies) are contained in high density in LacVitalTM Colostrum and make the nutrient mix so exquisite.

Is Colostrum healthy?2022-06-30T12:02:14+01:00

Colostrum provides the calf with vital nutrients in the first hours or days of life and creates the basis for a functioning immune system and thus for the health of the young animal. Due to the similarity of the cow’s first milk with that of humans – the composition is 99% identical – it is not surprising that Colostrum can also have a number of positive effects on the health of humans.

Do I take the milk away from the calf?2022-06-30T12:01:52+01:00

No. The mother cow produces much more Colostrum than the calf actually needs or consumes. While the calf drinks only five to seven litres, the cow produces 15 to 20 litres. So only surplus first milk is used for the production of our Colostrum products. This means that by buying and using LacVitalTM products, you are not taking milk away from the calf.

Who is Colostrum suitable for?2022-06-30T12:01:59+01:00

Colostrum is suitable as a food or medical product for a wide range of users. Based on experience, Colostrum is suitable for adults, babies, children and adolescents as well as for older people. There is also no reason why it should not be taken regularly by people with diabetes or during pregnancy. People with lactose intolerance are usually advised to take the serum instead of the dry powder capsules.